For the greatest board-generated power. The board’s rectangular shape and wide tips provide plenty of surface to get beginners started with the least amount of power, and they also make it easier to ride in light winds. If you think the winds are too low to ride, think again: grab the Yeti and enjoy an empty spot while everyone else stays on the beach. But it is not just a lightwind machine; the Yeti also gives newbies a stable base, so they can concentrate on the kite. The long, straight edge makes it easier to ride upwind, which is especially important during your first runs and in low winds. Maintain your height and enjoy the ride on this board. No matter whether you’re just starting out or if you simply love low-wind cruising, the Yeti’s for you!
This new concept of 3-parts/element/ connective in SPLITboard is perfect choice for traveling kitesurfers. No more extra payment for your quiver at airports !!SU-2 Split Kite Travel Board is easy and quick to assembly. Due to normal board size 138cmx41cm, you can simple change this dimensions to; 69x41x8cm pack!! It’s enough to pack it up into regular suitcase. Innovation in SU-2 SPTB is third element – connective; special molded carbon plate, is responsible for long time durability and endurance.The carbon plate connective giving this board normal flex, pop and rocker as regular all-around kiteboard!
SU-2 SPTB boards meets all nautical requirements, even with advance – connective is reducing longitudinal twisting of the board. Our Test riders were fascinated abilities of SPLITKiteboard and positive feedback ! Thanks to this superb technology you will no more need huge bags. We promise you
Find out which board is suitable for you, read our BOARD FINDER page.
This board is equipped with our best and specially developed solutions, take a look at our TECHNOLOGY to know more.
Contact details
Marlit Mariusz Karażniewicz
Sudwa 17, 11-015 Olsztynek, Poland
NIP PL7391010330
Bank Number
Marlit Mariusz Karaźniewicz
Sudwa 17 11-015 Olsztynek
Marlit Mariusz Karaźniewicz
Sudwa 17 11-015 Olsztynek
22 1020 3541 0000 5002 0013 8883